At Friends Association, we believe in a holistic approach to supporting families facing homelessness. We address the challenges of housing equity while providing programs and services that support our neighbors on their journeys toward stable, permanent housing. We serve families throughout all of Chester County.
Housing First
Housing First is a research-based solution to ending homelessness that prioritizes providing housing to individuals experiencing homelessness as quickly as possible without preconditions.
Two-Generation approaches deliver services that intentionally strengthen the whole family so that all generations within the family can experience improved economic, housing, and educational outcomes. As a result, the whole family becomes more resilient to future disruptive events.
Trauma-informed care is a service approach that acknowledges the widespread, long-term impacts of trauma, understands signs and symptoms of trauma, and responds by integrating knowledge about trauma into all policies and practice.
A Resiliency-Focused Community
identifies programs and best practices proven to build resiliency at both individual and systemic levels & improves the health of the entire system by promoting restoration, health, and growth in ongoing ways.





The Eviction Prevention Case Resolution (EPCR) stabilizes vulnerable families and individuals who are facing eviction in participating courts by providing them with free legal and social services support. The program provides financial assistance to prevent evictions, legal representation, landlord-tenant negotiation, connections to long-term financial services, housing subsidies, housing partnership programs, and social supports needed to prevent future housing instability.
Housing navigation services assist tenants whose best interests are served by relocating to new housing of their choice. Housing Resource Navigators support program participants in identifying new housing tht meets their needs and in relocating without an intervening period of homelessness.
EPCR is the result of a cross-system partnership with the Chester County Court System, Chester County Department of Community Development, and the United Way of Chester County.
- Low Income (at or below 50% of the Area Median Income)
- Scheduled to appear in Coatesville or Downingtown District Court
- Not received financial assistance from the EPCR program in the past 12 months
- Eviction cannot be due to criminal activity
Our Family Center houses families experiencing homelessness referred through the County’s coordinated entry system, in one of six apartment units. Each family lives autonomously in an apartment for 90-120 days as they work with their case manager to secure permanent housing, create a housing stability case plan, increase income, and access mainstream benefits. Pregnant women and families with infants are immediately engaged with the Nurse Family Partnership to provide education, support, and resource connections. Taking a two-generation approach, we coordinate high-quality early learning access (Head Start, Early Head Start) for all children under the age of 5. Friends’ Family Center is currently the only low-barrier emergency housing in Chester County that can house entire family units together during their housing crisis.
- Referrals are only accepted through the coordinated entry system, 211 Pennsylvania | Southeast. Call 2-1-1 or 1(866) 964-7922.
- Family/caretaker with child/children under the age of 18 in their care
- Family is self-defined, including 20parent, single mom, single dad, grandparent, multigenerational, and LGBTQ*

NIA Beyond provides programming, case management, and peer support to families who have been impacted by the justice system and reside in our Family Center Emergency Housing, are exiting partner shelters within Chester County, or are facing housing instability in their own rental unit. Friends Association’s team works with each family to stabilize housing through forensic case management and peer support.
- Families with justice involvement or where an adult care giver is formerly incarcerated
- At risk of or experiencing homelessness
- Low-income (at or below 200% FPIG)
Referrals are accepted from partner agencies, 2-1-1, and self-referral.

Long-term case management is available for families recently moved to permanent housing from any emergency housing in the county or directly from the experience of homelessness. This graduate program provides continued support, comprehensive guidance, and resources to empower families and reduce the risk of a family’s return to homelessness. Our goal is to help families not only obtain housing but keep it.
- Low Income (at or below 200% of FPIG)
Family/Caretaker with child/children under the age of 18 in their care
Lease in the name of the head of household
Recently moved from emergency shelter, or self-resolved homelessness within the last year
e believe in the power of change on levels big and small, both within ourselves and in our larger systems. We are committed to ending homelessness for our neighbors by raising awareness of the issue and mobilizing our community to address the root causes of family homelessness. We are invested in our role as community leaders in advocacy and collective action because until we get at the root causes of homelessness, including poverty, the high cost of housing, and the limitations of our social service systems, our vision will be unattainable.

In order to enable families to maintain stable housing, we identify any barriers they may have to long-term self-sufficiency and create plans and goals to address these barriers. This can include everything from financial literacy to training for (and obtaining) better-paying jobs.
To empower families to succeed, Friends Association offers workshops and one-on-one sessions in parenting skills, financial literacy ( such as managing a budget and paying bills on time), the Prepared Renter’s Program, and organizational skills like managing a calendar. We work with families as they schedule their children’s events- school, after-school, medical appointments, etc.- as well as their own appointments for services, potential employers, and more.
- The Prepared Renters Program (PREP) offers comprehensive education on assessing housing needs and locating housing, budgeting, understanding a lease, communicating with landlords, and understanding the eviction process.
- Generally, only 5% of families in our prevention programs require rental assistance at any given time due to effective skills development.
- 94% of families are able to sustain their basic needs.
Adults and their children who have experienced homelessness are more likely to be in poor health due to the lack of access to primary care. Friends’ professionals guide families on identifying their family’s medical needs, including ensuring that they have access to medical/dental insurance or, if not, that they are still able to access care.
Families focus on the importance of mental and physical wellness, including annual doctor and dental exams; hygiene; exercise and nutrition, and having a healthy self-image. Issues such as behavioral health, domestic violence, and substance use are tackled through outside referrals and on-site workshops.
- Almost half of the families in our programs enter with a diagnosed medical or behavioral health condition.
- Through referrals to community providers, Friends Association connects parents, caregivers, and their children to physical and behavioral health services each year.
Intake screening reveals that the majority of adults entering our emergency shelter have long histories of traumatic stress, including Adverse Childhood Experiences. In addition to challenging behavioral responses stemming from trauma, people experiencing homelessness also suffer from depression, substance use disorder, and severe behavioral health conditions and we see this in the families we serve.
This combination of issues leaves families even more vulnerable, interferes with their ability to work, impairs their social networks, and further complicates their service needs. We will be unable to solve the issues of homelessness without addressing the underlying trauma that is so intricately linked to housing instability.
Many of the children in our programs have also experienced trauma prior to becoming homeless, and homelessness can exacerbate the consequences of trauma or re-traumatize a child, resulting in a cycle that is tragically damaging and
costly to both individuals and communities.
Friends staff work diligently to create an environment of safety, trust, respect, and choice while promoting self-advocacy. Caseworkers work one-on-one with our families to help them set their own goals and empower them by building family resilience.
Following the SAMSHA model, there are Six Guiding Principles of Trauma-Informed Care:
- Safety
- Trustworthiness and Transparency
- Peer Support and Mutual Self Help
- Collaboration and Mutuality
- Empowerment, Voice, and Choice
- Cultural, Historical, and Gender Issues
Research has consistently shown that when the right supports are in place, the majority of young people who grow up amidst extremely challenging circumstances not only survive but end up as thriving adults.
Children in our programs are assessed by trained professionals through our partnerships with the Chester County Health Department’s Home Visiting Nurse Program, the Chester County Intermediate Unit Head Start and Early Head Start Programs, and A Child’s Light Trauma Counseling Program. Referrals are coordinated with community agencies based on individual needs. Additionally, our programming during summer breaks prevents learning loss, which often occurs over the summer.
- Homelessness is traumatic for children because they often experience frequent moves, family split-ups, and living in crowded places before using homeless shelters. (National Center on Family Homelessness)
- Ten percent to 26% of homeless preschoolers have mental health problems requiring clinical evaluation. This increases to 24% to 40% among homeless school-age children—two to four times higher than low-income children aged 6 to 11 years. (The Bassuk Center on Homeless and Vulnerable Children & Youth)
Stories Of Home

As a child, Jeffrey G. stayed with us when his family was in crisis. His time as a resident at Friends Family Center left a deep impact on him and his future.
He has ended the cycle of homelessness for his family, continues to give back to Friends, and lives empowered by his past.
He shared this video with us.
I don’t think you guys will ever know how much you helped me, my mother and two sisters with giving us a safe place to stay!