Our Mission

Friends Association provides programs and services that prevent homelessness and promote the independence of families with children.


A stable home. A healthy child. A resilient family. A safe community.

Our Housing First model combined with our trauma-informed, 2-generation approach makes our community better for all.

Friends is unique in that we focus on keeping families together during times of crisis while connecting them with highly personalized case management, community resources, and skill-building. We support all types of families experiencing homelessness or at-risk of homelessness in Chester County.

We work with families to empower them as they build on existing strengths and skills and work together to build resiliency, stable housing, and financial independence. 


Bold, innovative, and committed. The Friends team is a small but mighty force that draws on its own experiences and expertise to provide families with the care and support they need to be empowered to succeed.

    Joyce chester

    Joyce chester

    Chief Executive Officer

    610-431-3598 x222

    Robin Senss

    Robin Senss

    Chief Operating Officer

    610-431-3598 x203

    Tamara Fox

    Tamara Fox

    Chief Development Officer

    610-431-3598 x212


    Loreen M. Kemps, Esq.

    Loreen M. Kemps, Esq.

    Chief Legal Officer / EPCR Managing Attorney

    610-431-3598 x302

    Reilly Force

    Reilly Force

    Program Director

    610-431-3598 x223


    Tracey Iezzi

    Tracey Iezzi

    Director of Business & Administration

    610-431-3598 x220


    Karina OlMEDA

    Karina OlMEDA

    Director of Community Engagement

    610-431-3598 x224

    Lisa Buchanan

    Lisa Buchanan

    NIA Manager

    610-431-3598 x225


    Nicole Johns

    Nicole Johns

    Operations Manager

    610-431-3598 x208


    Elizabeth Almodovar

    Elizabeth Almodovar

    EPCR Administrative Coordinator/Paralegal

    610-431-3598 x301

    Brigit Biagiotti

    Brigit Biagiotti

    NIA Housing Stability Case Manager

    610-431-3598 x216


    Urias Cole

    Urias Cole

    EPCR Court Coordinator

    610-431-3598 x309


    Myesha Corum

    Myesha Corum

    EPCR Housing & Resource Navigator

    610-431-3598 x306

    Danielle Dorais

    Danielle Dorais

    EPCR Court Coordinator

    610-431-3598, x303


    Ellen Haines

    Ellen Haines

    Housing Stability Case Manager

    610-431-3598 x202

    Makayla Hueber

    Makayla Hueber

    EPCR Housing & Resource Navigator

    610-431-3598 x307

    Leah Johnson

    Leah Johnson

    Housing & Resource Navigator

    610-431-3598 x305

    Tamara Lighty

    Tamara Lighty

    Housing Stability Case Manager

    610-431-3598 x219

    Angela Linden

    Angela Linden

    Intern Supervisor



    Maria McDowell, Esq.

    Maria McDowell, Esq.

    EPCR Senior Staff Attorney

    610-431-3598 x205

    Daphne Miller

    Daphne Miller

    EPCR Court Coordinator

    610-431-3598 x304

    Laurie Patton

    Laurie Patton

    Executive Administrative Assistant

    610-431-3598 x207

    Marcus Sass

    Marcus Sass

    EPCR Administrative Assistant/Paralegal

    610-431-3598 x308

    Heather Smith

    Heather Smith

    Family Center Manager

    610-431-3598 x223

    Michelle Stanton

    Michelle Stanton

    EPCR Housing & Resource Navigator

    610-431-3598 x310

    Lauren Swift

    Lauren Swift

    Development Coordinator

    610-431-3598 x204

    Michelle Torres

    Michelle Torres

    Office Manager

    610-431-3598 x213


    Friends Association Board members are dedicated and passionate about ensuring that every family in our community has a home. Their experience spans the nonprofit, legal, construction, medical, and financial and social services industries.

      Yolanda Van de Krol

      Yolanda Van de Krol


      Clerk of Courts
      Chester County

      William McGrath

      William McGrath

      Vice President

      EVP, Chief Credit Officer
      Centric Bank

      Troy Vogt

      Troy Vogt


      Certified Financial Planner
      Market Street Wealth

      Michael Hazley

      Michael Hazley


      Hazley Builders

      Peter Darlington

      Peter Darlington

      Board Member

      The Rigg Darlington Group, Inc.

      David Day

      David Day

      Board Member

      Workforce Development Manager
      Chester County OIC

      Rev. Andrew Esqueda

      Rev. Andrew Esqueda

      Board Member

      Senior Pastor
      First Presbyterian Church of West Chester

      Jeffrey Garrett

      Jeffrey Garrett

      Board Member

      District Operation Supervisor



      Board Member

      HH Communications & Consulting

      Steve E. Jarmon

      Steve E. Jarmon

      Board Member

      Lamb, McErlane, PC

      Matthew Korenoski

      Matthew Korenoski

      Board Member

      Associate Attorney
      Unruh, Turner, Burke & Frees

      Raef Lee

      Raef Lee

      Board Member

      Principal, Business Consultant
      Lee & Associates

      Rebecca Louick

      Rebecca Louick

      Board Member

      School Counselor

      Jim MacFadden

      Jim MacFadden

      Board Member

      Co-Owner & Managing Partner
      MacFadden & Springer Investments

      Frank Monterosso

      Frank Monterosso

      Board Member

      Corporate Counsel
      United BioSource LLC

      Stephen Nicolai

      Stephen Nicolai

      Board Member

      Hogan Lovells US


      Proceed as the Way Opens’: To undertake a service or course of action without prior clarity about all the details but with confidence that divine guidance will make these apparent and assure an appropriate outcome.


      • Founded on Quaker principles recognizing the inherent value of each individual in our society
      • Quaker and African American women, led by Friend Ann Yarnall, provide a home for children who had lost their parents in the city of Philadelphia.
      • 30-50 children each year received a home and schooling, many of whom were the children of individuals who had escaped enslavement


      • Moved to Cheyney, Pennsylvania, and focused on providing education, training, mental health support, and most importantly, a home for girls and young women


      • Moved to the second floor of the YMCA building in the borough of West Chester, by the end of 1982 trend toward foster care, little need for shelter housing girls, shelter is empty
      • Emergency shelter provided to a family, start of Emergency Family Shelter that continues today
      • Foster Care program began with a request for care for special needs, older children
      • Coatesville Project, a housing and drug & alcohol program in Oak Street Public Housing started
      • Bridge Housing Program, assisting families transitioning from shelter started


      • Moved to Kesher Israel Synagogue providing shelter for 6 families
      • Purchased apartment building on Chestnut Street to provide transitional housing for families
      • Innovative Family to Family  Foster Care Program started in Coatesville keeping kids in their community of origin
      • Providing Foster Care for 45-50 children and specialized adoption services


      • Foster Care and Adoption programs transitioned to Children’s Home of York.   Our mission became focused on homelessness and housing instability.
      • Aligned with Housing First  National Model, premised on evidence that a family experiencing homelessness is more responsive to interventions and social service supports if they are housed safely first.
      • The Emergency Family Shelter was moved to Chestnut Street, allowing the agency to serve diverse family compositions; single parent, two-parent, and multi-generational families, and to provide families with a way to continue a normal daily routine during the trauma of housing instability.


      We celebrated the 200th Anniversary of Friends Association, providing Chester County individuals and families experiencing homelessness with opportunities to build family well-being.


      We continue to operate the only publicly funded, low barrier Emergency Family Shelter in Chester County that keeps families together during one of the most difficult times of their lives.

      Our Homelessness Prevention Programs combine targeted assistance and a collaborative approach that focuses on stable housing, financial independence, and resilience.

      Our Housing Stabilization Services empower families recovering from homelessness to build their ability to maintain permanent housing and focus on the wellbeing of their children.

      At Friends, we believe that it starts with a home and we are committed to walking alongside every family as they take the first steps on that journey.

      “Over 55% of cities report that families had to break up to enter emergency shelters.*


      * US Conference of Mayors, 2010



      View Our 2023-2024 Annual Report

      View Our 2022-2023 Annual Report

      View Our 2021-2022 Annual Report

      View Our 2020-2021 Annual Report