Key Holder – You hold the key to our children’s future.

key in door with house keyringFriends Association is launching Key Holders, our new monthly giving society! Monthly giving creates a reliable funding stream for our work to end homelessness and will make a real and meaningful difference in the lives of families struggling to regain stable housing. Even small monthly gifts really add up over the year.

Here are some examples of what your monthly support can do:

  • $20/month will provide 10 hours of case management support to help families access essential services and overcome the causes of their homelessness.
  • $50/month will provide 20 hours of life skills training to parents who need help building essential skills such as home maintenance, parenting, self-care, and budgeting.
  • $100/month will provide 20 hours of representation in eviction court to help prevent homelessness for struggling families.

Becoming a Key Holder is quick and hassle-free. You can set up your contributions online in minutes. Should you need to make a change, adjusting or canceling your donation is also easy, ensuring you always have complete control over your contributions. You really can be the key to a child’s future. Consider becoming a Key Holder today.

Select the button below to join and set up your monthly giving online.
